TOKYO DIECAST Co., Ltd. recognizes that it is the social responsibility to protect personal information and undertakes the followings.

  1. 当社は、個人情報保護に関する法令およびその他の規範を遵守します。
    The Company complies with laws, ordinance and other regulations related to personal information protection.
  2. 当社は、当社が制定した個人情報保護規程に従い、個人情報の収集、利用および提供等を適切に行ないます。
    The Company properly carries out collection, use and provision of personal information in accordance with the personal information protection regulations established by the Company.
  3. 当社は、不正アクセス、漏洩、紛失、破壊、改ざん等個人情報に関するリスクに対して、合理的な安全対策を講じます。
    The Company takes rational safety countermeasures against the risks concerning personal information such as unauthorized access, leakage, loss, destruction and falsification.
  4. 当社は、個人情報保護の適切な管理体制を確立し、これを定期的に見直し、改善していきます。
    The Company establishes proper management systems to protect personal information and regularly reviews and improves them.
